Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Christmas Update

Christmas was meh. Here are the things that I got:
From Ben: lumbar support/back massager thing (it rocks. It's going in my car), "Jersey Girl," "An Evening with Kevin Smith," and the whole Chronicles of Narinia on CD read by famous Britsh Shakespearean actors.
Mom and Dad (aka Santa): a whole set of pots and pans, scarf, cat pin, two different necklace/earing sets, windex wipes, facial sauna, battery powered flosser, foot lotion, candy, and other assorted stocking stuffers.
Karel: hardcover Harry Potter books that haven't come in yet.

Also, I got a new coat, another pair of jeans, pin stripe pants with purple stripes, some shoes, and a beigh top after Christmas. Oh, and a new wallet.

Yeah. I went to Pittsburgh. It was cold and snowed. It was pointless, but I did get one whole classes worth of work graded in like four hours.

Um, that's about it for now. I can't think of anything else to comment about. Oh year, except the black cat from across the street is starting to like adopt our house and was sleeping with me in bed this morning. Odd. It was a good cat sleeping night for me because Waffles slept with me all night. I think she was sad/annoyed/felt abandoned that we all went to Pittsburgh (she threw everything off of the table while we were gone) and was glad that we came back. So, Waffles has abandonment issues. Cats are crazy.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Okay, it's sorta like me

Okay, this is so me. Well, except that I'm not an ATM machine, a robot, or a cheating ex-porn star... or am I?

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


So, during winter break I plan to do the following things:
1. Sleep in past five a.m.
2. Stay up past eight p.m. (I'll start on that one tomorrow)
3. Clean my room
4. Grade about three weeks worth of papers and projects (there are too many papers to fit in my bag)
5. Write thank you notes for all the nice kids who brought me presents (Yay for being a GT team!)
6. Think of more ways to make my kids think I'm a total bitch. I started that today by calling people's parents who were bad today in 5th period. Right before the break. I'm so great!
7. When Karel got home last night, Waffles began to follow her around. Mean hussy cat! I'm totally here all the time to take care of her and she shows allegiance to Karel? Who hasn't done anything for her? Who she's only seen for like a month total?

Oh, car update time. Turns out I broke the like chain thing that connects the windshield wipers to the motor. Got that fixed. Last night, after I got my car towed, it started. The tow truck driver rolled it off the truck and he started it. Grrr. But the alarm was messing up the starting of the engine (which is a key componet to driving it) so they car fixy place yanked out the alarm. I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it was nice to have that little extra security and the keyless entry feature was to die for. However, the alarm is usually a source of problems for me. I don't know how to feel. I think I'll just sleep.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

It's not the first week of December? Are you sure?

So, I got off pretty easy this December with things happening. I only felt dizzy one day and only had to write three referrals on my birthday. But, now everything else is falling apart. Here's the list. Let's break it down.
1. Tried to bake this weekend. Guessed it would take me an hour (and it took me 4). Ben was in a weird mood so he was at my house, but zoning out at the same time. At one point I left him because he was being weird to do something on the computer. I came back about half an hour later and talked to him while later that evening he asked me if I had gone anywhere while he had been sitting there. He didn't know how long he had been zoned out.
2. Okay, baking took a long time, which would have been fine, if almost everything I made had come out okay. However, the middle part of the caramel peacan bars didn't melt so I lost two whole rows of them. The fudge didn't set. The lemon bars didn't set, either. So, I spent all this time cutting and making stuff only to half to pitch/find a creative use for two of my recipies.
3. I attempted to make fudge again Monday night. Yeah, it didn't set either. I finally figured out why tonight. I'm an idiot and am unable to convert ounces to pounds. My question is, why don't we have a scale that measures ounces and pounds instead of just pounds?
4. So, it was cold and a little snowy on Monday morning. I was unaware that my windshield wipers were frozen to the windshield (since there was no ice on my windshield) and I tried to work them. They broke. I broke like the crank shaft between the motor and the wiper blades. I can hear the motor working, so I know it's fine, but the wipers won't move.
5. Okay, this wouldn't be a big deal. My dad was going to take it to the shop for me this morning to get it fixed. However, when I got home, my car was still sitting there. Turns out the alarm fucked up and he couldn't get it started. I tried to start it and it acted like the alarm was set (when it wasn't) and it didn't start. I then used the manual override and the battery would turn on, but the car wouldn't start. Now we're waiting (and have been waiting for an hour and a half) for AAA to get here to tow it to a garage where they can fix it. Now I have to go with my mom to the car fixy place and tell them to yank the fucking alarm out of my car because it has been nothing but trouble. I want a new car. I want a relaxing evening. I want to go to sleep before 9:00 one day this week.

Thank goodness there is only one more day left of the week. Let's hope my kids don't go crazier. Wait, they've already gone insane and I can't wait to see what new shit they come up with next.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I hardcore attempted to blog on my birthday, but blogger crapped out and made me angry.
Birthday was pretty blah. I did have to refer three children; one for being a racist and two for fighting in my class. In the one period without major behavior craziness I had my first observation. It was a GREAT day. After I got the fighting thing passed off into someone else's hands, the eight grade English teachers and I attempted to go to the scholastic bookfair warehouse sale. Too bad the line was an hour and a half long and no one wanted to wait that long for half-off books. I came home early, no one was home. I sat around and waiting for my mom to come home with Panera. Then I fell asleep on the couch until Ben showed up right before eight. This is how sleep-starved I am; I yawned while opening his presents and secretly wished he would just come back tomorrow so I could sleep more... I'm addicted to sleep. But Ben rocked. He bought me the OC dvd (which rocks. OC marathon Kayla?), volume 4 of Futurama (with the uber sad dead-dog episode which aired the day fox wanted Kayla and me to cry uncontrollably), companion Harry Potter books, a big, colorful Shakespeare guide, and new hair clippies (for thick hair! He actually listens sometimes!).
*Side note: Anna Nicole Smith and Trimspa are ruining the PUSA's "Kitty."
Last weekend I got to eat a lot because people love me. Friday - Vegetable Garden with my mom. Saturday - Indian food with Ben for lunch and gruyere, apples, grapes, mint fudge covered oreos, and dessert mints. Sunday - Melting Pot with Mom, Dad, and Ben. Mmmm..fondue.
This week has been pretty meh. Kids are going insane. This weekend I even remarked that I would rather work in retail or waitressing that teach. Anyone who knows me will cringe at this remark. This is as bad as like Kayla not getting her work done four days before it is due. It's earth shattering.
This weekend I'm going with Ben's family to Ocean City area for a tour of houses and appetizers. When I am an adult, like for real, don't let me do stupid things like that.
Oh, and in response to some comment I left on Ben's blog about my dad not listening... So, my dad was in Seattle for his last aunt's funeral for my birthday. I told him on Sunday that he was going to miss my birthday and he said, "Yeah." Then, on Wednesday, the evening before he left, he finally realized that, "I'm going to be gone for your birthday!" Umm..I totally pointed that out days ago! Men don't listen. They are stupid. Let's cut off their penises. It's not like they're still reading, anyway.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Sick time

So, I almost passed out at lunch today. I was going into the science class room and I like lost all the color in my face and felt really dizzy. I went home early, thus disapointing about thirty kids who swore that they were coming to do work after school with me today. It's funny how kids blame you because they waited until the last minute to do make up work....
Anyway, I left school around one forty five. I was feeling better, but I've suddenly gotten dizzy again. I sincerely hope I'm not getting sick because I don't have fantastic sub plans and I've got stuff they've got to do at school tomorrow. I'm going to create some that I can email to an administrator if worse comes to worse. I don't want to be sick!
Time to make some sub plans....grrr.