Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Things I've Cooked This Week

1. Jerk chicken (and fake chicken). I like the spicy rub on veggie nuggets. Very good.
2. Okra. Yes, I've had okra, I went to school in the "south," but I've never cooked with it. It was pretty good, for slimy okra not deep fried.
3. Plantains. Surprisingly delicious. Like a banana-sweet-potato-ey potato. I made sweet plantains. Next time I'll make the mashed potatoey version in the magazine.
4. Edamame. Okay, so I've heard it's delicious, and it is. Buttery, soft, chewy. Giant delicious protein rich peas of goodness! I've always looked at the big containers of edamame at Costco and thought about getting them. Now, totally going to make them a normal part of my food bag of tricks.
5. Panna Cotta. Delicious sour cream custard.
6. Cookies with dried strawberries. I thought these would suck, but they wer surprisingly good. Now I just wish I had more people near me to come and eat food so I can try to cook more things.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Weekend in Troy

Karel graduated from RPI on Saturday. Ben and I drove up there on Friday. We left the house at 9:15 in the morning. We stopped to turn in his passport papers (yay for fairly empty passport office in Aspen Hill!) and mail our wedding liscense stuff to the wedding cordinators. Then, we drove. And drove. And paid tolls. And paid more tolls. And drove some more. Then, we finally arrived in Latham, NY at 5:40. We had dinner reservations at Juan O'Flannigans or Jose O'Toole's or some other combination of Mexican and Irish names (because it was a Mexican-Irish restaurant). What, you're probably asking yourself, do they serve at a Mexican-Irish restuarant? Well, lots of alcohol, of course, and regular and interesting Tex-Mex stuff. And then, some really interesting fusion cusine. Ben tried the fusion stuff. He liked it. I can't imagine how a corned beef and cabbage quesadilla would taste. But, his mashed potatoes and carrots were delicious. I had a fun time ordering. At first glance, the menu was full of meatless meals. After ordering for the fourth time, (1. The roasted poblano enchilados couldn't have the mushrooms removed from them, 2. they were out of vegetable tamales, 3. the grilled vegetable empanadas had mushrooms that couldn't be removed from them, and 4. the bean burrito, which I told the waitress to simply order for me if the third option came with unremovable mushrooms instead of having to come back a third time to retake my order) I finally got my food. It was okay.

Friday's weather was nice. Not rainy. Not too shiny. Not too overcast. Perfect weather. Saturday, on the other hand, sucked.

Saturday was cold. Cold and rainy. We had to be at graduation at 8:00 am to get seats together. Really, we could have come in after it started and still been able to sit together. It was raining. A constant, all day rain that wasn't bad enough to have them cancel the ceremony, but was bad enough for them to give us ponchos and plastic bags (to keep the programs from becoming unrecognizably soggy). It was cold. The kindof cold that chills you to the bone and keeps you shivering all day. Well, at least it kept me shivering all day.

The speaker, the guy who wrote The World is Flat, was good. Best graduation speaker I've ever heard. Another point of interest, the doctoral robes for RPI are kickass. They are red with black stripes and their hats look like floppier mountie hats. New consideration for choosing graduate school -- find out what their robes and hats look like in order to end up with kick-ass purple robes and hat or cool blue robes.

So, we finally left graduation after Karel got her diploma around 1. Then Ben and I went back to our hotel and walmart to procure dry clothes. I got pants and velcro shoes. I like my velcro shoes. I sprayed them with waterproofing stuff and they kept my feet dry for the remainder of the day. They were very much worth the $9 Ben spent on them for me.

After getting dry clothes on the replace the wet ones, we returned to Karel's dorm room where they (her roommates) had made way more food than was necessary to feed the entire senior class. Somehow Ben and I got roped into grilling the vegetables under the tent. The tent was just small enough to mean that I had to stand right under the edge and get dripped upon. My dry clothes were now wet again.

I don't think I finally got warm again until I had slept. Well, I don't remember being warm up 3:46 in the morning when some stupid siren went off. Twice. Right outside our window. Fun times.

Ben and I met my parents and sister at a diner for breakfast this morning. It was good. We then hit the road around 9:15 and got home around 4:30. We stopped in Gibson, PA for diesel and snacks. It was like a whole other world. They had a sign on the front of the shop part that had the current terror warning alert. Hello! They're in Gibson, PA! No one knows where that is. You are not a terrorism target! You are a bunch of crazy, hillbillyish white people in a sparsely populated area. On another note, there are a lot of massage places near I81. Most of them cater to truckers. I'm assuming that massages are simply euphamisms for something else. Like hair highlighting. No trucker wants to let their friends know that they highlight their hair. It would be embarassing.

In conclusion, I'm going to make Karel come to one of my future graduations and I will spray her with water and fan her.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Kitties both sitting on Ben in the old apartment. Apparently they love him more than they love me. They suck.
Here's Waffles sleeping with Ben again. I rescued you from a parking lot! The least you can do is sleep with me instead of with Ben!

And here's Jackson stealing the chair I was sitting on. This is the only picture of him with his cute bow tie id charm. It's so cute! Too bad he lost it in the basement. How the heck do you lose your collar in the basement? Apparently Jackson knows how.
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Moving In

So, I finally got around to uploading the pictures from my camera to my computer. Here's what it looked like when we moved into our house. If you don't remember, we had a large snow and ice storm that closed school for three - four days right before we moved in. Our side yard, with our walkway, is pretty much shaded all day. That meant that by the time we got the house, the whole side yard was ice. Thick, thick layers of ice. The furnace man who came like two days before us actually slid down our side hill and into the drainage manhole thing.
There's a sidewalk there. I swear. We didn't move in all of our stuff until the following week, but it was difficult trying to get all the painting things in here without falling.
When Ben and his family were at our apartment bringing our furniture our, my parents and I were prepping the house to move in and unpacking things. There was also a falcon eating a bird on the fence next to our house.
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Friday, May 04, 2007


SOL Reading test is in a week and a half. My kids are idiots. I had to bang my head on the overhead five different times today to dull the pain from their idiocy.

Nobody wants to go on the cruise with us. No, wait, that's not true. No one can take off enough work to go on the cruise with us. So, we're probably going to have to pay for an extra spot and either give it away or have it empty.

Ben has yet to get his passport.

Interim grades are due on Tuesday and I have no desire to grade my kids' poetry tests.

Our living room is still not painted and our loft is still messy.

I am prickly.

I need a vacation.