Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I hardcore attempted to blog on my birthday, but blogger crapped out and made me angry.
Birthday was pretty blah. I did have to refer three children; one for being a racist and two for fighting in my class. In the one period without major behavior craziness I had my first observation. It was a GREAT day. After I got the fighting thing passed off into someone else's hands, the eight grade English teachers and I attempted to go to the scholastic bookfair warehouse sale. Too bad the line was an hour and a half long and no one wanted to wait that long for half-off books. I came home early, no one was home. I sat around and waiting for my mom to come home with Panera. Then I fell asleep on the couch until Ben showed up right before eight. This is how sleep-starved I am; I yawned while opening his presents and secretly wished he would just come back tomorrow so I could sleep more... I'm addicted to sleep. But Ben rocked. He bought me the OC dvd (which rocks. OC marathon Kayla?), volume 4 of Futurama (with the uber sad dead-dog episode which aired the day fox wanted Kayla and me to cry uncontrollably), companion Harry Potter books, a big, colorful Shakespeare guide, and new hair clippies (for thick hair! He actually listens sometimes!).
*Side note: Anna Nicole Smith and Trimspa are ruining the PUSA's "Kitty."
Last weekend I got to eat a lot because people love me. Friday - Vegetable Garden with my mom. Saturday - Indian food with Ben for lunch and gruyere, apples, grapes, mint fudge covered oreos, and dessert mints. Sunday - Melting Pot with Mom, Dad, and Ben. Mmmm..fondue.
This week has been pretty meh. Kids are going insane. This weekend I even remarked that I would rather work in retail or waitressing that teach. Anyone who knows me will cringe at this remark. This is as bad as like Kayla not getting her work done four days before it is due. It's earth shattering.
This weekend I'm going with Ben's family to Ocean City area for a tour of houses and appetizers. When I am an adult, like for real, don't let me do stupid things like that.
Oh, and in response to some comment I left on Ben's blog about my dad not listening... So, my dad was in Seattle for his last aunt's funeral for my birthday. I told him on Sunday that he was going to miss my birthday and he said, "Yeah." Then, on Wednesday, the evening before he left, he finally realized that, "I'm going to be gone for your birthday!" Umm..I totally pointed that out days ago! Men don't listen. They are stupid. Let's cut off their penises. It's not like they're still reading, anyway.


Blogger Kayla said...

Of course I'm down for a hardcore OC marathon; who doesn't win there? Also, I feel cool cause this was the "things remind Anna of Kayla" post. I do however, refuse to watch the sad dog episode, at least unless I need to cry like a baby while I'm visiting, and really, I have enough going on I could do it if I really wanted.
I agree with you about Anna Nicole Smith and the song.
You'll also be weirded out to know that I had a final today, and I didn't even start studying for it until like 1:30ish on Monday. Have one on Friday, haven't started yet. Life is great when you can't concentrate.
So, while you want to work retail, I'm putting off studying when it is 85% of my grade. Could it be the appocalypse?
Next thing you know men will listen, and Ben will come home with an apartment and a moonrock engagement ring, and Fuzzy will get a girl... oh wait, the last part might be happening.

12/15/2004 10:56 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

It really is the apocalypse. And it totally rocks that I spelled that correctly.

12/16/2004 6:56 AM  
Blogger aducore said...

Not that I count as a man, but I read to the bottom. I'm going to stop trusting you near my crotch with a knife. Not that you ever had that trust. Also, I never really 'get' women... they are way to confusing.

12/16/2004 10:35 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

You have to know when to tell the truth and when to tell me what I want to hear. It's a skill. Learn it.

12/17/2004 6:57 AM  
Blogger aducore said...

You know, if you beat her hard enough, you won't have to say a word. At least, that's what the cops will tell you. I doubt she can hear you anyway; they had to pack her ears with gause.

12/17/2004 10:46 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

I would love to do something tonight, but I have some stuff I have to do. 1. I have to go buy tights. 2. I have to buy neat containers to pack baked goods in for Monday. 3. I need to bake orange/lemon poppy seed cakes. 4. I need to pack for the weekend. 5. I need to help my mom with her swimming lineup. But you can do all these things with me! I think I can get the buying part done early and the packing part, too. And, if I don't get all my baking done, I can do it on Sunday or Saturday morning when I wake up early (like I always do). Also, don't you dare beat me because I'll kill you.

12/17/2004 1:13 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

You are a bastard.

12/17/2004 6:25 PM  

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