Wednesday, December 22, 2004


So, during winter break I plan to do the following things:
1. Sleep in past five a.m.
2. Stay up past eight p.m. (I'll start on that one tomorrow)
3. Clean my room
4. Grade about three weeks worth of papers and projects (there are too many papers to fit in my bag)
5. Write thank you notes for all the nice kids who brought me presents (Yay for being a GT team!)
6. Think of more ways to make my kids think I'm a total bitch. I started that today by calling people's parents who were bad today in 5th period. Right before the break. I'm so great!
7. When Karel got home last night, Waffles began to follow her around. Mean hussy cat! I'm totally here all the time to take care of her and she shows allegiance to Karel? Who hasn't done anything for her? Who she's only seen for like a month total?

Oh, car update time. Turns out I broke the like chain thing that connects the windshield wipers to the motor. Got that fixed. Last night, after I got my car towed, it started. The tow truck driver rolled it off the truck and he started it. Grrr. But the alarm was messing up the starting of the engine (which is a key componet to driving it) so they car fixy place yanked out the alarm. I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it was nice to have that little extra security and the keyless entry feature was to die for. However, the alarm is usually a source of problems for me. I don't know how to feel. I think I'll just sleep.


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