Thursday, March 24, 2005

Vermont and Spring Break

Brain no worky so good, so post will be written in phrases and bullets or run on sentences.

  • Saturday - went to airport, National was uber crowded and people all around me were missing their planes. Took thirty minutes to get to the self serve kiosk. Once I got on the plane, things were fine. I had the row to myself and there really weren't that many people on the flight at all. It was funny because we had to take a shuttle to the runway to get to stairs to get on the plane. I felt like I was back at Monterey with it's rinky-dink airport. We went to Pizza Hut. It was bland. I put crushed red peppers on it and it was still bland. People in New England like bland. Even more than me. I like bland, but not that bland.

  • Saturday with Kayla - went shopping. bought cute things. went to her apartment. went downtown to the only restaurant in town (SoRo is so small that Kayla knows like everyone there). Also, VT is so unpopulated that there are signs telling people not to backup on the highway because you, in fact, could because there are never any people around.

  • Sunday - went to both the capital of Vermont (after being in New Hampshire's capital on Saturday) and the largest town in VT. They were both really tiny. However, they did have a nice Old Navy in Burlington. Also, VT is weird because all the restaurants closed at three and opened up again at five. Hello! I want to eat a three, or even four and they are denying me that opportunity. Also, people looked at us like we had the plague when we came in and tried to get something to eat at three. Hello! You have tourists! Many places do not close at all.
  • Monday - I watched tv a lot. We also went to get Taco Bell and Wendy's. It took a while to get there. Sadly, it might take me that long to get to places like that near me only because traffic can be that bad. I don't know which is sadder.
  • Tuesday - More tv and then a trip to the sugar house and then to the Olive Garden and then to airport. Getting to the flight was no problem. In fact, the flight was no problem. However, landing was a bit problematic. We had to fly in circles around National for about fifteen minutes of an hour and half flight because some dignitary or something pushed us out of landing order..
  • Wednesday - Went to Whitman and did some photocopying and room cleaning. Not enough room cleaning, but much photocopying. Also, people came and cleaned the carpet (which was nice, but I would have liked to have known so I could have cleaned up all the stuff for them) but they didn't put my desks back like I had them. Are they telling me that my classroom arrangement is subpar? Or are they just too lazy to try to remember how I have things set up?
  • Thursday - cleaning and gynecologist. The Beltway sucked and people couldn't drive. Trucks with oversized loads were setting the pace for us and U-Hauls in the left lane kept the rest of us under the speed limit. Gyno went okay. I'm still a bit sore.
  • Friday - I'm going shopping with my mommy. I want to get my apartment presentable so that she isn't all grossed out. This is why I cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen today. Now I've just got to get the main room in order. It's really messy . I was also planning on cleaning up the bedroom and the office. I don't think there's enough cleaning to do to keep me busy for the rest of the week....It's so short! My spring break is almost over. Le sigh.


Blogger Kayla said...

There's nothing like a good extended weekend of eating, TV watching, and shopping.
Hope the rest of your break has gone/goes well.

3/26/2005 9:50 AM  

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