Friday, February 25, 2005

Days Off

Yay for snow! I only had to teach two days last week. That was nice. I also got some grading done. I guess you can count seven essays as some grading. I'm going to get the rest done this weekend. I am. I promise.
So, even thought I didn't have to teach the past two days, I'm going in to help with Saturday SOL enrichment. I think it's going to help like three of four extra kids pass, so that's good. I need to have 70%+ of my kids pass the test. I'm very worried about this. Only about 60% of my kids have been turning in essays and only about three quarters of those will pass. I'm a little terrified. Also annoyed with my mom because I told her this, and that we go over all these grammar things where they do work (which they won't do), and then they still don't incorporate these things into their writing. She implied that it was my fault. I also told her it's hard working at a title one school, and she's like that's no excuse, you had good teachers at your title one schools (I went to two title one elementary schools which are a hell of a lot different than middle school. By eight grade it's really hard to get kids to change their work habits). Anyway, I'm frustrated with teaching and the kids who don't bother to even try to absorb the things I'm teaching them and won't do work that I give them.
Enough ranting. I did make a delicious Thai recipe for dinner tonight. Green curry tofu. Pretty tasty. I think I now love coconut milk. Tasty.
Busy weekend. Saturday - SOL at school then going to MAC to watch Drew at Metros. Sunday - BDay dinner for Ben's mom. Monday - back to school (although the weather might have some more snow in store for us).
Anyway, time to grade some papers, or something like that. I spent my day cleaning and organizing the apartment. We can actually see the counter now.
Okay, the new Hootie Wendy's Bacon Chicken Ranch commercial is bizarre... real bizarre.


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