Sunday, January 30, 2005

Apartment news

So, we've been here for a week now and the place is still a mess. Until yesterday we didn't have any sort of containers to hold things like books and clothes (both of which I have way more than the average amount of). Now we have the IKEA pieces of dressers and bookshelves in the apartment. I really wish it would not snow one weekend so we could go and pick up things like the bed, couch, etc. I went home yesterday to pick up Waffles and bring her to the apartment. While I was home I managed to pick up a lot of stuff I meant to like my computer, cocoa, tea, bath stuff, and cat. However, I forgot to pick up really necessary stuff like more dishes. For the past week, Ben and I have been working off of my dishes from college. It's hard to last more than two days without having to run the dishwasher if you only have four plates and four bowls. I was going to go back home today to get them, but it's like snowing outside. I remembered I forgot the dishes last night when I was about a quarter mile from home. I attempted to make a turn down a side street to turn around, and my car kindof spun out in the middle of the road. I decided that I could come back and get the dishes later. Once I got the a major road (New Hampshire), things were fine. Well, they were fine until Waffles decided that she was too good to sit in her box. She managed to tear the cardboard carrier she was in and pop out of the top. This led to interesting situations with her trying to sleep on the dash in front of the windshield, or climb through the steering wheel. Luckily, we both made it to our apartment alive.
I have got to finish grading all my stuff. I let kids turn in things late. How dumb of me. Too bad I know a lot of them aren't going to do it.
Time to clean and grade and plan menus and go grocery shopping and clean...I think I need a whole other weekend to get all this stuff done...


Blogger Kayla said...

Huzzah for apartment things!

Did you get your internet hooked up aok last night or was this from your parents' house?
You should check out my blog post about my car; I'm very sad, and probably gonna have to find money for a car payment.

What is your schedule like Feb 24th - March 6th? I dunno if I"ll be flying somewhere cool (as I may or may not have a car for awhile, depending on how much I get for mine on insurance)... so I may not have wheels even if I'm in the area, but just in case, let me know if you have anything big going on.

1/30/2005 12:26 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

I don't have anything big going on then, to my knowledge. My spring break isn't until around March 21st. Anyway, I have less commuting time and more time to spend with people so if you do come, I can arrange to pick you up at an airport if you come in after school.
Oh, and yes, we did get internet, but my computer isn't hooked up yet. There is so much junk and so much to put away...
Anyway, my goal is to get everything graded today before I go home and have grades pretty much done for tomorrow. It's nice to know that I don't have to have benchmarks done until later next week; that makes my life much more manageable.

1/31/2005 1:14 PM  

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