Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Post Work Out Glow and Exhaustion

Okay, so not all the exhaustion is from 20 minutes on the elliptical, I've had a freaking long day! Talk about doing dishes in the morning before going to school, planning for a sub, teaching for thirty minutes where my overhead bulb went out again. It went out in January.... Then I got to the cafeteria and took 21 hyper GT kids to see a play/collection of scenes at GMU. They seemed to enjoy it and were fairly well behaved. However, I was so exhausted by the experience that I wanted to sleep. Unfortunately, I had told kids that I was going to stay after today to work with kids on their book talks. Fortunately, only about nine of them showed up and really, I only had to listen to one book talk.
But my day didn't end. I came home, answered parent emails, and went to the gym. Then I came back and Ben's like, "Make me dinner, bitch. I'm hungry." Since he did make dinner last night, I guess it's my turn. I made dinner and even cooked a chicken breast for him. It's been done for like half an hour and he still hasn't come down from the loft to eat it. He's been playing with his freaking PDA for like an hour now. I made you dinner! It's getting cold!
Anyway, tomorrow I'm coming home early (I hope) and maybe get some packing done. Thursday is so busy with planning during planning and then Great Beginnings and dinner. Friday I've got to get everything nice and ready for starting The Diary of Anne Frank when we get back from spring break (and it probably wouldn't hurt to clean up my room a bit). I've got to get everything pack for Friday so I can go to sleep early and spend time with Ben and my cat before I go away. Also, I need to remember to print out my confirmation information at work tomorrow so that I can actually get my ticket... That would be good.


Blogger Kayla said...

1) Printing out confirmation for tickets is generally a good thing... makes that whole "boarding the plane" process much easier.

2) Of course you don't need to pay shampoo... NOTE: anything you like at home probably wouldn't work here anyway; weird water and the atmosphere dries everything out (hair, water, skin). I have good face washes and lotions as well. :P

3) My apartment, while a bit messy currently, does come fully equipped for visitors with all the works: futon, comforter for making futon more comfy to sleep on, blankets, pillows, and two small hamster stuffed animals for bedtime cuddling. I may have all the grown up things, but gotta throw some kiddly things in there too.

Enjoy your plane ride dear!
Please take your cell phone and I"ll have mine so we can communicate if you get delayed or whatnot. Much love!

3/17/2005 8:43 AM  
Blogger Kayla said...

Correction in number two: pay=bring.

I'm newly awake and stupid.

3/17/2005 8:44 AM  

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