Saturday, February 26, 2005

Waffles is Smart and Bad

So, I bought Waffles a big bag of mice to play with. Yesterday, while cleaning up the apartment, I took the mice out of their bag and put them in a container on top of the television. Well, it turns off that Waffles saw me doing this and learned where lots of her favorite toys were hidden. Ben tells me that while I was gone at work today she would get up on top of the TV, dip her paw into the basket, and pull out a mouse toy. After dropping it to the ground and batting it around for awhile, she would grow bored of it and hop back up on top of the television and pick out another mouse. But I'm smarter than her. I took out most of them and hid them in the TV cabinet. I'm smarter than the cat! Hahaha. I can't wait until she goes back and looks for the toys again and can't find them.


Blogger Anna said...

Waffles isn't that smart. She jumped on the keyboard on my computer today and she couldn't log on to anything. By the way, she was disgruntled when I had papers on my lap to grade and she couldn't sleep with me this morning. Look, I didn't take a nap and I've already graded five papers and it's only ten-thirty!

2/28/2005 10:29 AM  

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