Sunday, May 13, 2007

Moving In

So, I finally got around to uploading the pictures from my camera to my computer. Here's what it looked like when we moved into our house. If you don't remember, we had a large snow and ice storm that closed school for three - four days right before we moved in. Our side yard, with our walkway, is pretty much shaded all day. That meant that by the time we got the house, the whole side yard was ice. Thick, thick layers of ice. The furnace man who came like two days before us actually slid down our side hill and into the drainage manhole thing.
There's a sidewalk there. I swear. We didn't move in all of our stuff until the following week, but it was difficult trying to get all the painting things in here without falling.
When Ben and his family were at our apartment bringing our furniture our, my parents and I were prepping the house to move in and unpacking things. There was also a falcon eating a bird on the fence next to our house.
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