Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My whole head hurts and I'm tired of being sick. I was hoping that not doing anything all day would make me better, but I am wrong. My head and sinuses are killing me. Although, I did make an awesome latte for myself this afternoon. Go me!

My head hurts so much that it hurts to think and plan. You all know how much I love to plan; especially when it's about purchasing and moving TVs around my apartment.

Things to do tomorrow:
1. Go to Costco and find out if they carry the TV I want.
2. Get car serviced.
3. Get sealy canister thing for espresso.
4. Look for furniture for new TV.
5. Think about where to put and move TVs and existing TV furniture.
6. Grade papers. Lots of papers.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Brief update to wear myself out so I can go to sleep:

Birthday: Nice. I got the day off because people were freaked out about non-existant snow. Ben rocked and got me a set of really nice 600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and OC Season 2. Karel got me an excellent Indian food cookbook. Mom and Dad got me a food processor. It's stainless steel and awesome. Dinner at Melting Pot was delicious and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was okay. It was beautiful, but lacked a lot of the character development that makes the books good.

December: I've been sick most of this month. I think I also got Ben sick. He blames me for feeling cruddy, anyway.

Christmas: I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas traveling back and forth from MD to VA. I cleaned up on presents, though. Ben: food saver sealy thing, Buffy season 1, the new David Foster Wallace book (he really pays attention to me when I say things like, "David Foster Wallace has a new book out," once, about two weeks before Christmas), a portable DVD player (something I've always wanted but could never ask for something as extravagant), and a whole bunch of other fun stuff in my stockings. Mom and Dad: heart rate monitor for exercising, exercising ball, jewelery, etc.

Time to go to sleep so I can go to sleep before Ben before he steals my side of the bed.

Also, we just go an expresso maker and I did a pretty good job with it today. I rock.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Schedule for Next Week

Sunday (well, what's left of Sunday) - clean up dishes, look up difficult words for "Ransom of Red Chief" so my honors students can read it on Tuesday without being totally confused, finish reading through 123 of Tangerine, clean up cat dishes.

Monday - go to work, make things for Tuesday/Wednesday's lesson during sixth period planning, seventh period planning 8th grade English meeting (maybe, if not meeting, then call parents of students with failing grades), faculty meeting after school, update homework hotline, email chaperones for field trip next week, schedule maintenance appointment for car possibly for Thursday or Friday or Saturday, do laundry.

Tuesday - go to work, grade papers during planning, stay for after school, purchase snacks and complete assignment for MS reads class on Wednesday after school, and get a Christmas tree.

Wednesday - go to work, IEP re-eval meeting during planning, make sure materials are ready for Thursday/Friday, go to MS reads class.

Thursday - go to work, make materials for Monday's classes, write sub plans for Monday's classes, clean up room for sub on Monday, possibly take car to get maintanenced, grade SOL practice writing tests after school, think of snacks to bring to Monday's English department meeting in my room.

Friday - go to work, come home, sleep.

Saturday - go to see Chronicles of Narnia, go to Melting Pot.

Sunday - go to parent's house, grade papers, get ready to turn in interims on Monday.

Wow. I actually thought I was going to have time this week to decorate my house for Christmas. I forgot how much I actually had to do this week. Shoot, maybe I should have been more productive this weekend...

Point 1 - I've been sick for a week. I am tired of being sick and would like to be well now. I can't wait to be able to breathe out of my nose and not have a headache or a sore throat.

Point 2 - Waffles is either trying to be really cute and be sick with me, or she has been experiencing a lot of stress recently which has caused an outbreak of a viral infection that she's always had, but we've never known about. She started sneezing Thursday night (and Friday night she kept staring at Ben when he was sleeping and sneezing on his face) and has a leaky eye. We took her to the vet emergency hospital yesterday. We got there and checked in at 3:10, but didn't get seen by a doctor until 5:45. Basically, she's okay and there's not much we can do but give her eye stuff and we have antibiotics to treat a secondary bacterial infection in case she gets worse. The vets were nice. I have never seen so many people with like millions of ear piercings in a professional setting, but they seemed to know what they were doing (they pretty much told us the same stuff we had looked up online earlier) and they liked Waffles, so they couldn't be that bad. Also, this is the same place that does RadioCat treatments, so might be taking Foxxy there to get her thyroid problem fixed if they find out that she really does have a problem. Also, Waffles must be feeling icky because she slept next to me on the couch and let Jack cuddle up next to her while she was sleeping. It was very cute.

Point 3 - It's hard to find a fake Christmas tree that I like.

Point 4 - Christmas is fast approaching and is making me nervous. I actually want to decorate for Christmas this year and haven't found time to do it yet. I should probably make lunch, take a shower, and then decorate (or grade papers, which is another thing I need to do). Or, maybe I'll just sit here and relax and try to get better.