Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Brief update to wear myself out so I can go to sleep:

Birthday: Nice. I got the day off because people were freaked out about non-existant snow. Ben rocked and got me a set of really nice 600 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and OC Season 2. Karel got me an excellent Indian food cookbook. Mom and Dad got me a food processor. It's stainless steel and awesome. Dinner at Melting Pot was delicious and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was okay. It was beautiful, but lacked a lot of the character development that makes the books good.

December: I've been sick most of this month. I think I also got Ben sick. He blames me for feeling cruddy, anyway.

Christmas: I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas traveling back and forth from MD to VA. I cleaned up on presents, though. Ben: food saver sealy thing, Buffy season 1, the new David Foster Wallace book (he really pays attention to me when I say things like, "David Foster Wallace has a new book out," once, about two weeks before Christmas), a portable DVD player (something I've always wanted but could never ask for something as extravagant), and a whole bunch of other fun stuff in my stockings. Mom and Dad: heart rate monitor for exercising, exercising ball, jewelery, etc.

Time to go to sleep so I can go to sleep before Ben before he steals my side of the bed.

Also, we just go an expresso maker and I did a pretty good job with it today. I rock.


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