Saturday, September 10, 2005


So, Napoleon Dynamite is on HBO and I'm too tired to move to turn it off. Here are my questions.
1. Why do people think this idiotic movie is funny? Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of stupid stuff is funny, but I see no point in this movie.
2. When is this movie supposed to be set? He has a fucking Trapper Keeper for a binder -- I had one of those in first grade! However, some of them people look pretty contemporary.
3. He's just obnoxious and not funny and borderline retarded. He's a pathetic high school loser. Those people are annoying -- there's a reason no one wants to be their friend -- they're fucking obnoxious!
4. Why did he get another movie role? Who the hell wants to watch him? There's kind of a reason socially inept and ugly people don't get TV and movie roles -- no one wants to watch them!

I hate Napoleon Dynamite!

Okay, that's all I can think of right now in the first ten minutes of this stupid movie!

Now it's time to go and return library books -- but I don't want to, I'm tired.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea who you are, I was just browsing through blogs, but I think I might be in love with you!

You are the first person on the planet who agree that Napolean Dynamite is the most assanine movie on the planet. It reeks of stupidity.

That is all.

9/11/2005 7:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

1) Some of us were those pathetic loosers who brought our own loserdom on ourselves but thought that it was everyone elses fault and can identify with the protagonists. Those people would not be me, of course, but I'm sure they would like the movie.
2) Any movie with such awesome catchphrases as "I'll do what I feel like.... GAWWWWWD" and "I caught you a delicious bass" is bound for popularity. Who cares about content if you can add another moronic phrase to the dictionary (Or phrase-ionary).

Honestly, I do like the movie, although the first time I saw it I was unimpressed. Its one of those movies that is enterainign if you are really bored, but would be a waste of movie to see in the theater.

I once got in a conversation with someone who had a compelling argument as to how Napolean Dynamite was basically a Mormon propaganda film.....

9/14/2005 2:58 PM  
Blogger Flushy McBucketpants said...

Napoleon Dynamite is a hilarious triumph of loserdom over populardom. It's got llamas, a liger, a love story, and a sweet, sweet dance scene to top it off. What's not to like?

It's about friendship, family, and love, among other things.

It's one major flaw is that the pacing can be kind of slow at times.

But it has weird and interesting characters put in bizarrely funny situations.

And it's not stupid, it's silly.

Eat your dinner, Tina!

9/16/2005 4:54 PM  

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