Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Vacation - Day 2

Today was much more exciting than yesterday. Today I drove to my parents' house and went with my mom to the dentist where I sat and waiting for her to get her teeth cleaned for about an hour. Then we drove another and and a half to get to Belfort (my cousin's furniture store) to order my table -- it's a dark colored counter height table with a leaf and six neat counter height chairs. We met up with my other cousin (well, really first cousin once removed) and ordered from him. Then we went to the new store they just opened and saw his mom (my other cousin). We learned about all her children and buying houses and things like that. I like the new store -- it has nicer, more contemporary furniture and is more open than the bigger show room.
Next, Mom drove to Rockville where we went the a Buddhist, organic, and vegetarian restaurant called The Vegetable Garden. I love it there, it's delicious and really healthy. Then we drove to Bethesda Naval to go to the Exchange to look for a baker's rack for me. It was a no go. But, my mom did get some shoes and I got a little steam cleaner to clean up Ben's and the cats' messes on the carpet. Ben food, cat vomit, Anna orange juice. Then we drove another half an hour back to my parents' house where my mom showed me rafting pictures. My dad did not look too pleased in them. He had his, "I don't like this being up on the roof" face on most of the time.
Then Mom made me clean my bedroom. I got to clean it the fun way -- stuffing things into drawers and the closet and throwing trash away. My mom didn't listen when I told her that a box I had was stuff that was going home and she opened it. It's not my fault that's where I keep condoms, if she didn't want to be weirded out then she should have listened to me. It wasn't nearly as awkward as when we found my dead 83 year old grandmother's giant vibrator in her bedroom when we were cleaning out her things. That was a pleasant experience to share with your mother and her younger, obsessively Christian brother.
Then I went downstairs and enjoyed the big tv and took a nap with my special fluffy princess cat. She's gaining weight because my mom and wussy dad are feeding her her thyroid pills wrapped in chicken skin. My mom has a little gladware container in the fridge of chicken skin to sneak pills into my cat's stomach. Foxxy's tail is still looking a little weak -- it's missing a lot of her super fluffy fur, but, overall, she does look a lot better.
Then my dad come home and my mom went to swimming and then I drove home. Now I'm watching Spiderman 2 with Ben and he's oggling Kirsten Dunst in her tight, wet dress. Maybe this will translate into me getting lucky tonight [But then again, probably not --Ben].
He ruins all my fun.


Blogger Flushy McBucketpants said...

This is a little late coming, but does CostCo.com sell these urns and caskets in bulk? Because that really would be disturbing...

8/11/2005 4:36 PM  

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