Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cats - Take Two

I don't know if I hit the wrong button, or what, but I wrote this post and now it disappeared. Grr. Now, again, in shorter form.

Kramer - still big, white, and nippy.

Squeekie - she's getting older, her coat is getting duller, and she's getting even more starved for attention.

My fluffy princess actually acknowledged my existance. She is looking better - her fur looks good, but I think her thyroid is still not functioning properly.

Toby was quite grumpy when I cleaned her ears out with Q-Tips. However, she was nice and did sleep me with on the bed.

Ben said my apartment kitties were a little distressed by my absence. I think they were afraid that they wouldn't get fed. Ben never feeds the kitties - it's my job. So, when I wasn't there in the morning, Waffles got a little frightened that she wouldn't be fed again. Never did it cross the cats' minds to bug Ben for food. For example, this morning, I told Jack to wake Ben up instead of me and ask for food. The cat didn't get it. Ben started to pet him, but Jack would have none of it and came back, sat on me, meowed in my ear, and started poking me in the face. Stupid Ben has trained them well. Posted by Picasa


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