Friday, October 07, 2005

Stupid Kids

So, it hurts when I breathe and it hurts when I bend over to pick something up. I get an owie pain in my chest when I climb the stairs and it hurts my back when I sit in the car. Yep, my students have given me some sort of upper respiratory thingy. Some of the people I talked to said it sounds a lot like bronchitis. It doesn't feel like a lung infection of bronchitis because besides feeling like my lungs are constricted, it doesn't feel like they're full of things like phlem. Anyway, if I don't feel better tomorrow morning I'm going to go to the doctors and get me some antibiotics. Stupid kids! They are all sickly and now they're making me sick, too. How did I go through last year without really getting sick? Hopefully sleep will fix anything.


Blogger Kayla said...

Hope you feel better sweety. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
I hate children.

10/10/2005 12:01 PM  

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