Friday, June 25, 2004

Why I hate insects

I think I forgot to mention, but on Tuesday I was taking a nap in my room when I was viciously attacked by a spider. I woke up to go to swim lessons and my hand was covered with like twenty bites evenly spaced from each other from a spider of some sort. I tried to have a shoe-to-face conversation with the spider, but I was unable to locate the vermin. So, I thought I have had enough of obnoxious insects making a meal out of me, but, no. Today, when I was taking a shower at the pool, I noticed a weird red lump on my left hip. I took a look at it and felt it and it was big, red, and definitely more dense than normal skin. So, I showed some people and they were thoroughly grossed out. We guess it's a spider bite of some sort since I didn't feel it happen and it didn't itch, but I'm definitely having a nasty allergic reaction to it. It's still swollen and starting to hurt. It's about the size of an elliptical tennis ball, sticks out about the diameter of a dime, and is really red. It looks gross and it hurts.
On another note on things I hate: shopping. We went to get a USB floppy drive for the swim team laptop. They didn't have a good one at Office Depot, so I went to Circuit City. Then we (Karel, Morgan, and I) went to Target, KB Toys, and the party store in the shopping center off of Georgia to look for pirate things. We were very unsuccessful. Karel's brilliant plan was to go to a toy store because they should have like a pirate play set there, but, they didn't. They did have pirate stuff at the Aspen Hill party store, but Karel was no for that idea when we began shopping. Now I have an eyepatch, earring, pirate sword, and that's about it. I need to put together my pirate outfit.


Blogger Kayla said...

I want to join your pirate party! I've got a pegleg!

6/26/2004 3:29 PM  

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