Wednesday, April 18, 2007


1. House is nice, but still a mess. There are a few things that need to still be changed and redone and more painting needs to happen.

2. Wedding stuff is getting checked off in rapid succession. Dress, check. Bridesmaids dresses picked, check. Shoes, check. Tiara, check. Veil, check. Rings, ordered yesterday. Registries, finished yesterday. Invitations will arrive tomorrow. Guest book thing picked out (now to convince Ben!).

3. Ben got his yearly Christmas present from his bio-dad's grandparents. They sent a picture card with the present. It's funny because Ben has no idea who these people are. I mentioned that the guys were all ugly (I'd punch them in the face for being ugly tools). But, the girls aren't that bad looking at all. I said I'd have a lesbian affair with one of the women in the picture. We can't figure out who she is. I may have said I would have just slept with Ben's step mom, cousin, step-sister, etc. That's kindof oogy. Also, I said I want to punch this one kid in the face. I was very adiment about punching him in the face because he looks like an obnoxious tool. Opps...turns out it's Ben's half brother. I've just went on for five minutes about punching Ben's half-brother in the face. Much different than my constant threats to beat Nick and Drew with my flip flops.

4. Jackson lost his lovely, handsome man necklace. It had a yellow bowtie id tag. It was cute. He got it lost in the basement somewhere.

Ben is still making fun of his maybe step-mom and bio-dad. It's creepy. Ben covered the top part of Bob's head with his thumb and he looked so much like Ben. Same expressions, eyes, ears, face shape. It's oogy.

Ben's step-mom is a hobo the like of Tim's mom.


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