Sunday, January 28, 2007

Nice Vanity

This was the nicest vanity house we went to. The railings on the left of the photo is where the vanity is. The closet, unfortunately, has a heating duct going through the middle of it, so there's like three feet of closet space in there. The second bedroom is light and has basketball nobs on the closet. It also has a football light switch cover.
Notice the toilet seat. It overhangs the toilet.

It also has a large basement. Ben's parents are considering giving us one of their children to live with us next year when they go to community college. They would sleep in the basement. If their grades were bad, then they would sleep under the stairs like Harry Potter. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Kayla said...

Dammit, my plan was to live under your stairs if I didn't pass the bar!

1/31/2007 9:20 PM  

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