Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pictures coming at some point

That is a bad title, but I'm a little tired.

Jack is fantastic. He's so cuddly and already slept with me today. I've had Waffles for a year and she's only napped with me once. Jack is so demanding of attention and affection that I've tripped over him a couple of times. He likes to run between my legs.

He has a weird habit. I gave him some food this morning and he quickly knocked over his cup of water near his food dish. I brought in a towel to soak up the water. He proceeded to rake the carpet and try to dry it and then pulled the towel over his food to cover it. I came home to find his food covered and took the towel off. He proceeded to eat some of it and then covered it again. I guess it's a good thing because his wet food was still fresh this afternoon.

Anyway, I'm too tired to write anything worth reading. Or, really, I'm too tired not to ramble unintelligently anymore.

Summary: summer school inservice - Day 1. I'm in Antonietta's room, I put up pretty daisy table cloth material on the bulletin boards, I am teaching 17 kids - half of whom do not go to a Fairfax public school, none of the kids who signed up for TJ prep are from Whitman (unless there's another list for second session that I don't have). Most of the people on my list are boys (go figure, it's a science and technology magnet).

Anyway, time for sleeping with my new panther kitty. He goes to the vet tomorrow for a check up and then we're introducing them because I'm tired of having to switch rooms to spend time with different cats. Waffles has started spending more time staring at Jack's door than with us so I'm letting Jack sleep in the bedroom tonight. Umm, cuddly kitten.


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