Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Kitty Flapjack

I'm trying to think of a funny title for this post that has to do with either a.) pigs flying, b.) hell freezing over, or c.) some other thing that signals the world has gone topsy turvy. I wrote the post and couldn't think of anything. That's his name, the cat I got. Shot, I just ruined most of the post for you.

Ben told me on Saturday that I could get a kitten. He was in a good mood and wanted to do something nice to make me happy (considering my jealous at Parker who has an engagement ring and a new kitten, it was a good idea to fulfill one of those desires of mine.) I was all excited about getting a little, teeny tiny, kitten. I even spent some time on Sunday on Ben's blackberry looking at kittens and then some time at home on the computer yesterday looking at kittens. We had picked out what shelters to get one from and I had my kitten qualifications ready. I wanted a young (8 weeks of younger) fluffy, long-haired, cuddly, lovey boy kitten. I love kittens!

I originally wanted to go to the Faquier SPCA because, if I remember correctly, they'll pretty much just hand you a kitten if you pay them the $80 adoption fee. This would be good so we could get around paying $25 more a month in pet rent and another $400 deposit. Well, the problem is that they were only open until 4 yesterday and they weren't open today at all. I probably could have gone out there yesterday to just look and see if I found anything I was interested in, but I figured this out too late in the day and by the time I would have driven the hour it takes to get there, they would be closing in an hour. So, I waited for Ben to get home from work so we could go to the Arlington Animal Welfare League (which does not require a home visit for cats --- it requires one for every other animal, but not cats). They had so many kittens! We spent ten/twenty minutes just looking at two cages with maybe fifteen kittens in there between them and then realized there were way more kittens to be seen. We walked around and visited with the 50 plus cats they had there. I found many female kittens that I liked (but I wanted a boy so it might get along better with Waffles) and a couple boys who were very cute and not uber rambunctious. I found one little black kitten named Jack. He was very sweet and had the most beautiful dark green eyes. We played with him in the play room and he was very sweet, shy, and cautious. There was no way that this little kitten was going to boss Waffles around. Then we took out these two buff and white colored boys. They were so cute! They purred when you held them. One licked my hand and the other started to nurse on Ben's shirt. I thought he would get along well with Waffles and they could neurotically nurse on furry stuffed animals together. The boys were very sweet and playful. In fact, they reminded me of big dumb jocks. They were cute, very athletic, and there didn't seem to be much going on upstairs (not that I don't like dumb cats, I do, but I would prefer one with mental power). Those little babies just weren't what I was looking for. When we put them back, we passed this other cat that we had seen when we came in and really liked, but didn't consider him since he was a year old. We took out Jack (yes, I know he has the same name as the first kitten and he is black like him, too) and played with him. He is the sweetest, most lovely cat I have ever seen in my life. He like wants to jump into your skin so you can pet him and cuddle him. He liked being held and purred constantly. The volunteer said he was a really sweet cat and that everyone liked him. He had been originally brought in either late May or early June and had been adopted by a person with another kitten. He had been brought back a few days later because the person said they had changed their plans and were going to travel a lot and couldn't take care of him. This is the sweetest cat in the world, how could you not want him?

Anyway, I came back this morning and finished filling out the paper work. When I was waiting to pick him up, the animal techs were all sad to see him go and had to tell everyone that he was leaving. So, I guess I got a good cat. I feel weird getting an adult cat when I could have had a kitten, but I guess Waffles's superb babies spoiled me on sub par kittens.

Waffles so far does not like Jack and we have to keep them separated. This is very hard for me because I've got to split my time with two cats who really want attention. Ben needs to come home to help me cuddle all the cats who want cuddling.


Blogger Unknown said...

first off, I got a kitten, not Elizabeth. Chloe is mine... all mine.

secondly cats are awesome. My cat is so freaking clumsy, its hilarious. you guys should come see her. Although I guess its our turn to visit you since you already visited us.

if you havent already seen her, here is my cat:

7/06/2005 4:05 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

I love my Anna and her cats. I'm jealous of you for your having of cats, so it's a jealousy chain.

Hehe. I demand cute kitty pictures ASAP.

7/06/2005 4:14 PM  
Blogger Flushy McBucketpants said...

Chloe may actually be the best cat ever. If my cat Tiny heard me say that, he'd have a conniption. Good job Tim. If I were a jerk, I would have stolen her from you.

7/06/2005 9:51 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Will, Chloe is not the best kitty because you have not met Waffles. She is possibly the best kitty on the planet.

But Jack is pretty good, too. Since he doesn't really respond to his name so much, I'm thinking about changing it to something like Max because everytime I call him, his name turns into Jackson and I start singing that stupid song. "Sorry Miss Jackson, ohhh. I am for real.." etc, etc, etc.

7/07/2005 11:01 AM  

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