Friday, June 17, 2005

OCD Anyone?

So I feel like I'm going to develop some sort of control enhancing mental disorder in the next few hours. It probably won't be an eating disorder (well, any of the eating disorders that actually make you skinny and eat away at your insides, but I'm always up for some compulsive eating). I'm thinking I'll be like my mom and start a little OCD action. Rituals and numbers and uber cleanliness sound really comforting right about now. Everything would have an action and things would be all nice and ordered. And maybe then I wouldn't forget to pay bills or I wouldn't get mad at people because I'd have my rituals to obsess over and keep everything straight in my head.

One more week of school.

One more week of school.

One more week of school.

One more week of school.

I have to be back at Whitman on July 6th for summer school orientation. Too bad I'm not really sure what subject I'll be teaching. Let's hope it's TJ prep because I'm tired of bad, stupid, lazy, uneducated idiots.

I'm want to curl up in a ball and sleep for a thousand years. I think a thousand years would clear out all your bad memories, right? I'd be pretty numb after that.


Blogger Kayla said...

Uh-oh... depressed Anna=sleepy Anna=more increased crazyness Anna.
I recommend some napping and catching up on sleep, but with the friendly neighborhood reminder that too much sleep just makes you think that your dreams are really happen and you'll get mad at people for things they are doing there instead of real life.

On the upside, a touch of OCD can life much more interesting, but the dedication to rituals generally only provides more fuel for the mad at people bonfire of the mind.
I guess that's why your mom and my sister are always mad about something. And yes, to be fair, myself as well... but I refuse to admit I'm as bad as either of them. :p

6/18/2005 8:06 AM  
Blogger aducore said...

I've been reading some womans psycology textbooks, circa the 1800s, and I would suggest cutting out your uterus. Then again, I would also suggest vasoline on toast, so you may want to ignore this whole comment.

6/19/2005 12:53 AM  
Blogger Flushy McBucketpants said...

I thought hysteria was due to a loose uterus floating about the body. Either way, it's gotta go. Ben, get the gardening sheers!

6/20/2005 10:23 PM  

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