Thursday, July 01, 2004

Yahoo movies lies

So, the swim team was supposed to go see around the world in eighty days today, but for some reason, they weren't still playing the movie even though yahoo said that they would still be playing it this week. There was much scrambling around this morning trying to figure out what to do. The only other pg movie playing at the time was two brothers, the movie about the tiger cubs. However, no one really wanted to see it and Spiderman 2 was playing at almost the same time. Most of us went to Spiderman 2 and it was awesome. I cried. Eight year old girls laughed at me. Matt threw an empty box of Mike and Ike's at Cameron and he couldn't figure out where they came from, but he still tried to shake some out and eat them. I think if a box of candy magically lands in my lap at a movie theatre I'm not going to try to eat some candy from it. Nick also wore the red and green Christmas gloves I keep in my car into the theater. All in all, a good time was had by all (except the two lazy coaches who have to go to work and take their friend to the metro who missed the movies).


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