Saturday, November 05, 2005

Very Brief Update

I have been so stressed and busy that past two weeks that my hair is starting to fall out with a greater frequency and magnitude than before. Monday - at school until 5, then sat in traffic for forty-five minutes (I work nine miles from my home). Tuesday - extended day, didn't get home until 6. Wednesday - extended day (detention with some kids) and then MS reads class (I was there until 6:30) then came home and graded papers so I could give A day kids progress reports the next day. Thursday - Grading practice SOL test essays and then grading for three of my classes so I could get progress reports out to them on Friday. I left school at 5:45 and was the LAST car in the parking lot. Friday - went out to movie and Frosty with another teacher and her mentee (she's not comfortable being alone with mentee considering how she lies and makes things up) and then back to school to get my car, followed teacher home, she dropped her car off, and then we drove back to my house (she lives really close, but it took me over 35 minutes to get home from school) and picked up Ben and then went to dinner. Didn't get home until 8:00 pm. It's no wonder I pretty much did nothing but sit on the couch and go to the gym today. I felt lazy and bad, but then Ben pointed out that this was the first day in a long time where I didn't have anything pressing or anywhere to go. This is the first day I've had off for three or more weeks.

Updates, longer term:
1. Will be in Staunton on November 19th and 20th for a two day conference on teaching Shakespeare and the language of Jamestown. Ben is coming with me (he is so wonderful!) and we're going to go to Millstreet as many times as possible. Mmmm...Millstreet.

2. I thought there was something else that needed to be mentioned, but I totally blanked on what it was. Man, maybe I need more than just one day of doing nothing to make my brain work normally again.


Blogger Kayla said...

I am very jealous of your Mill Street self...
If it was me, I'd also hit up the new chili's they put down near walmart. Not b/c it's anywhere near as sexy as mill street, but out of bitterness they had no chili's when we were there.
I could use some El Puerto as well. mmm, eating.


11/06/2005 4:06 PM  

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