Monday, July 19, 2004

Double Dare

So, I'm trying to come up with some modified rules to play Double Dare with the swim team at the end of this week.  We usually play Divisional Survivor, but I think Double Dare would be more fun (but more work).  I think I figured out a way to make cheap slime (water, cornstarch, and green food coloring), but I don't know to work Double Dare with three or four teams.  I don't know, I'll ask Karel, Matt, and Zach if they have any ideas.  I was thinking it would be more physical challenges with less question asking and more swimming.  Physical challenges could be like swimming underwater without breathing or collecting pennies and golf balls from the well.  Also, we could involve slime, water balloons, beach balls, etc, in fun mayhem.
So, I have this afternoon off, but I kinda have a headache now.  I think it'll be better once I wake up more. 
I have to go clean up the dining room for the cleaners tomorrow.  Tomorrow around noon Karel, Matt, and I are going to work on paper plate awards.  It should be entertaining.  I love making paper plate awards.
Anyway, I'm going to go clean and then work on sending things out to people who need them, or people who I need to have them so I can get a job.


Blogger aducore said...

I say one of the challenges is to see how many donughts the kids can eat before swimming 100 butterfly. Or maybe seeing who can hold one of the 15-18 kids underwater for the longest. Extra points if an ambulance is called. Man, these are such great ideas, I should be a swim coach.

7/19/2004 4:23 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

Hehehehe. We all know the less kids in the world, the better for me, but somehow I think Ducore's idea might just keep you from getting that teaching job you want/need so badly. This would keep you living at home with your parents for an extended period, which is no good. What is good, however, is you sending job people job-related things is fantastic. An old buddy here just got a round one interview even though she turned things in back in March, so apparently SW VA is slower than you guys in getting the ball started. I wanted to ask, but didn't wanna nag you like your mom does, so I'm happy you posted the state on things on this here blog. Best of luck on your job search you sexylicious mama!

7/19/2004 11:07 PM  

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