Sunday, July 11, 2004

Beginning of anniversary season

Today is the five year anniversary of when Ben realized that liked me more than a friend and more like a girlfriend. It's very sweet. Our five year anniversary is on July 27th (I think, I always get confused).
Another anniversary coming up is the one week anniversary of Kitty Waffles staying with us (on Monday). Everyone in the house really likes her, but my mom keeps making noise about to whom we could give her.
Also, this is the most nagged I've been about getting a job ever.
Also, we lost our A meet on Saturday, but the kids swam well. I'm tired of people telling me what to do. I don't just like paying lip service to people, but I think I'm going to do that a lot, especially when people tell me to do things that I'm already doing, in spades. I think the expression is in spades (which I mean to use as an expression of the abundancy of doing what the person is requesting/nagging).


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