Friday, July 16, 2004

Let's play dodgeball

Hint for anyone planning on seeing Dodgeball and Anchorman: see Dodgeball first.   Anchorman is funnier, but Dodgeball actually has a plot.
Dodgeball is a funny movie with Ben Stiller playing an evil gym owner who inflates an air pocket in his tight wrestling suit attire to make his package look larger and engages in odd homoerotic activities with his large black spotter, Michele.  It's not the funniest role he's ever played, in fact, it's kinda like a purely evil and malignant Zoolander without the quirky attractiveness that makes Derek Zoolander so adorable.
But, it's funny anyway.  This movie might turn out like Zoolander where the first time you see it, it's okay; maybe with repeated watchings it will become irresistible merriment.
The previews for Anchorman are full of footage that doesn't appear in the movie, like the line where they say, "Let's make a baby!" and jump on each other in the middle of a meeting.  This makes me think that the DVD will have lots of deleted hilarity.
On motion thingy note, VH1's I Love the 90's is highly entertaining.  I've been watching it for the past couple of days in the afternoon when they play one episode after another.  Hal Sparks is my favorite commentator.  If I could just have two professional funny men in my lives for the rest of my lives, I would pick Kevin Smith and Hal Sparks.  (Ben is not a professional funnyman since no one has ever paid him for his entertainment.)
Also, I want to see Boogie Nights.


Blogger Kayla said...

Hehehehe. Boogie Nights is fantastic. Unfortunately for we straight womenfolk, there is way more time spent on Heather Graham's boobs than on Marky Mark's penis stunt double. But hey, at least they show us something!

7/17/2004 1:35 PM  

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