Sunday, June 06, 2004

Car shopping takes a long time.

Yesterday I spent the day with Ben. It was another exciting day in the pseudo-married life of Anna and Ben. First, we went to two different banks to deposit money into each of our bank accounts. Then, we went to his house to look up different used car prices on the computer and in the paper. Then we went to Carmax in Rockville to look for a car. We were there for four hours and looked at every car in his (well, really his dad's) price range. Of course we all really liked the car we later realized we could not buy because it had been transferred there for another person. Eventually he got a car. It's nice. I like it. You can read about it when he puts it in his blog, I don't want to spoil it for you.
Then we went to Fuddruckers. Then a bunch of clothing stores for me to find a jean skirt (which I didn't find one I liked for a price I was willing to pay). Then CompUSA where he looked for a laptop (which he didn't find) and where I asked how much it would cost to repair my broken laptop. Even if it is just as simple as I think it is, they have to hot metal glue the pin back into place, it's going to be a flat $140 charge for labor. No matter if they look at my computer for an hour, it's still $140. That's ricoculous. Then we went to Rockville Best Buy which one again proved that it the most superior Best Buy in terms of employee niceness. The Best Buy in DC sucks and we had a really rude guy not help us. But, needless to say that Ben hasn't gotten his laptop yet.
Um, yeah, and today I'm going with him to his cousin's graduation party. And that's about it.


Blogger aducore said...

Wow, everybody's getting cars. When are yo... oh yeah, you have one.

6/06/2004 12:33 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Yeah, I didn't break my car like everyone else.

6/07/2004 12:29 PM  

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