Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Today we did a practice ice breaker thing to use with students on Tuesday. It was a fairly innocuous name tent with additional information on the inside. Around your name you were to put where you were born (half of the people in the English department were born in DC even though most of them moved away as children and returned as adults), a good book you read over the summer, a place you'd live to visit, and your hobby/interest. Three of those requests were easy to fill: Washington, DC; The Pirates in an Adventure with Scientists, Alaska. However, I couldn't think of a hobby or interest. I would usually say swimming, but I haven't done that in two years.

I have no hobbies. All I do is work, come home, watch tv, read stuff on the internet, cuddle with my cat, go to sleep, repeat. It was a huge blow to my self worth to realize that I have nothing in terms of outside interests and activities.

Who am I?


Blogger Kayla said...

You are a sexylicious mamacita who enjoys taking quickie vacations to wherever her friend Kayla is currently residing so they can yammer on about wedding plans, people that suck, hate on bitches, reminesce (sp) about Baldwin, and bitch about our fiances. Wow, that last sentence sounds a lot different and more grown up than "bitch about our boyfriends" does. We're old. Maybe we should take up shuffleboard?

8/30/2006 8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a great friend, person and pretty much everything that Kayla said. It's true most of us seem to be growing up... I have a boyfriend now, who is older.. so even I am getting there! I will see you all at the shuffleboard game! Amy

8/30/2006 9:54 PM  

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