Thursday, May 20, 2004

Notes for the next five years

So, I've decided on two possible wedding presents (or general presents) people can get me. I've decided that I totally want an electric fondue pot (I think I've mentioned this before) and a quesodilla maker. I know it seems stupid to have an appliance that does nothing more than heat tortillas and cheese together, but I think I'll use it a lot. Also, I just thought of this, but I totally want a waffle iron like my parents have. It makes normal (not Belgium) waffles and you can flip the waffly iron sides and have flat grilling sides to make things like grilled cheese. If this contraption cannot be found, then I guess a panini sandwich grill could work, too. I already see the amount of appliance that are going to take up room on my kitchen counter. Let's see, there's Ben's sandwich maker (which is not as good as a panini grill), my blender, tea/coffee pot, and I guess a forman grill, toaster, food processor, and probably a latte maker or something so that I can steam m-elk and make cool drinks.


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