Friday, May 14, 2004

Brad Pitt's sexy lips and Greek Warrior homosexuality

So I went to see Troy today. It was excellent. Not only did it follow Homer's Iliad fairly faithfully (except that in movie time the war took like 14 days instead of like ten years....). The best thing about the movie is the hot men in skirts. Now, if someone would have asked me if I thought men in little skirts would be attractive, I might have looked at them and laughed. If you ask me this now, I will unwaveringly nod in agreement. Maybe it also helps that it was like Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom and the guy from The Hulk in skirts, but it was still damn sexy. Also, while men think that women in slitted skirts are hot, men in slitted skirts are just as hot.
Another interesting aspect of the movie is the color pallet. There are three main colors in the movie. One is fake me out too red blood. The other two are Brad-Pitt-brassy-blonde-washed-out-tan and the other is Brad-Pitt’s-dreamy-eyes-blue. The blues they used in the costumes are fantastic. I want to like paint my whole house in the rich jewel toned blues. I think that even Ben could find something to look at with all the blue in the movie.
I have decided that it would be okay for the men in my wedding to wear kilts. Except now I’d change it to Spartan warrior outfits. Except like really nice ones, and not crappy Halloween ones.
On another note on how great this movie is, Kayla, who really only likes Brad Pitt in like Club because he’s such a sexy bad boy, was won over by his uber sexy pouty pink lips. Even a virgin priestest of Troy could not withstand the overwhelming power of The Pitt. When Kayla and I get lots of money and can produce really class porn movies (not just porn, but movies with sex in them) we are so going to do like a remake or something. Fighting, hot Greek warriors, and the face that launched a thousand ships.

I don’t really understand the importance of this , but I found it and I thought maybe someone could explain it to me. I was looking for places for someone to buy my boyfriend a Greek warrior costume to wear at our wedding (who doesn’t want an ancient Greek themed wedding? People could come as Gods, Goddesses, and mythic heros.) Something about homosexuality and Greek society. I don’t know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So um, my home computer must suck b/c I can't look at many of your links of the newly plumped-up lips sexy-style Brad Pitt. :)
Oh well, it's all good. I think all men should have full pouty mouths like this. I am sure that somewhere there a woman who prefers thin lips, and I understand relativity and beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that crap, but that woman must be one stupid and crazy bitch. I will make a deal with her (and the rest of her kind) that all guys that are still ugly with full pouty lips can have thin lips for her. That seems fair, right?

-- KAYLA (like you couldn't tell it was me by my rambling!)

5/17/2004 3:14 PM  

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