Sunday, October 03, 2004

Kitten update

While I thought that the kittens were at their peak of cuteness last weekend, I was wrong. They are so adorable. Now they are all about the exploring and running around like crazy stage. I've posted new pictures. The girl kittens are pretty anti-weening, so we're trying to get them to eat some kitten food so they can eventually go live with other people. Maybe if I never get them to eat kitten food, they can stay with me forever! I don't think Mom would like that too much. Or maybe she would. She likes the kittens a lot.
On other news, I get interviewed today for Ben's security clearance. Let's hope this process goes quickly so he can get his job and I can move with him closer to my job. I've decided that by the next September I'm either moving closer, or finding a closer school. I'm always exausted; getting up at 4:45 five mornings a week is awful. I'm excited that on the weekends I can get up at seven and sleep in for two hours and fifteen minutes! That's so sad that waking up at seven gives me multiple extra hours of sleep.


Blogger Unknown said...

My land lady says I can have a cat if I pay her extra... so I want a cat...

10/10/2004 1:37 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Tim, are you actually going to take care of a cat?
Also, do you want to take both of them? There are two girls who don't have homes and we're trying to place them together since they are very bonded.

10/10/2004 7:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, I would actaully take care of it, but Paul just told me he was allergic to cats, so I guess I really cant take one after all, at least not until I move out and dont live with Paul any more, which will probabaly be in may. But that is a long time for you to have to hold on to the cat, so if someone else wants it, then give it to them.

At this point, even if I could take a cat, I could probabaly only deal with one, at least until I move out.

10/11/2004 10:17 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Tim, I knew that Paul (and I think Karen, to some extent) was allergic to cats. Don't you remember Paul being all allergified when the cat moved in to the basement?

10/11/2004 1:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I guess I knew he was allergic, but I didnt know how much... and considering that we were talking about gettign a cat in front of him and didnt say anything caused me to not really think of it. after hanging out at ninas for the evening and playign with her cats, all the while talking about how I was going to get a cat, Paul was like "man, my nose is really stuffy becuase of those cats" at which point I remembered he was allergic.

This is a very long winded way of saying "damn you paul and your stupid allergies!"

10/12/2004 1:56 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

Tim, Nick and Drew even knew about Paul being allergic to cats. They do not live there. They have only been there a handful of times. They are oblivious fifteen year old boys (which are Ducore's favorite type of boys). You should be ashamed.

10/14/2004 7:23 AM  

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