Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I hate my life

Well, not really, but it does suck. I drove 100 miles today. No, I didn't go anywhere out of the ordinary, but to work and then to a meeting. I drove for about three and a half hours today. I left the house at 5:30 am and didn't get back until 6:30 am. That's 13 hours. That's too long to work. That's too long to travel. If I drove the same amount of time every day while I was in school, I could have gone home every other day. I could have driven home Monday night, come back to Baldwin Tuesday night, driven home again Wednesday night, driven back Thursday night, and finally driven home again Friday night and it would equal the same amount of time spent in my car a week.
It takes an hour to get to my school with minimal traffic.
Also, Anne made me feel special today because she left me a message telling me that she still looks for me in the dining hall. Sometimes I wish I was back at Baldwin, other times, not so much.


Blogger Anna said...

And where were you last night? I really like it when you say you're going to come over, don't come over, and don't bother to let me know that you're not going to come over.

9/02/2004 5:31 AM  

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